Thursday, January 2, 2020
Summary and Comment on Animal Farm (6th Grade) - 965 Words
The book ‘The Animal Farm’ is a cleverly written book by George Orwell, which was first published in 1945. The time in which the book’s happenings play is not very specific, but can be concluded to the early 20th century in a farm house of rural England. In this book George Orwell describes the negative sides of communism by using different animals on a farm to substitute the different ranks and positions of people in a communist country. This fictional story features quite a few main characters such as Mr. Jones, Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer. Mr. Jones is the owner of the Manor Farm, later to be called Animal Farm after the animals conquered the farm and chased the former owner away. Snowball and Napoleon, the pigs, are the leaders†¦show more content†¦More often laws are being changed such as ‘No animal shall drink alcohol in excess’. The pigs act more and more like humans, which strongly violates against the idea of Animalism. They even start relations between neighboring farms and invite them to take a closer look at the farm. The story ends when the animals realize the 7 commandments have been shortened to ‘All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others’. The pigs dine in the farm house with the guest farmers, leaving the other animals outside who can’t tell the difference between the pigs and the farmers. Obviously George Orwell parodies communism in whole, using animals to substitute different characters that play a role in communist history, such as Napoleons and Snowballs predecessor Mr. Jones who substitutes Czar Nicholas the second. Napoleon obviously is the substitute for Joseph Stalin and his rival Snowball who’s in the place of Leo Trotsky, who was banished from communist Russia. Old Major, the founder of ‘Animalism’ is of course Karl Marx, the founder of the communist idea. The book was a good read because it was interesting to look at the history of communism in a complete different aspect and point of view. In whole the book was quite well written; there was always something new happening in every chapter and every happening in theShow MoreRelatedBusiness Enterprise Management10394 Words  | 42 Pagesentrepreneur Alexander Amosu, founder of Urban Ringtones . (4.10.09) Sarah Cooper working an ACE day for year 7 pupils at the University of Sunderland. Sarah Cooper, K NEX hands on learning for tutors OCN level 2 (15.01.10) Executive Summary This paper sets out to explore the implication of entrepreneurial, innovative and creative theory. Chapter 1 of the report defines entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity and identifies the different processes of each. 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