Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Evaluation Of A Field Supervisor - 925 Words
Situation My day was planned so I thought, I was scheduled to go out with my mentor, Francis. We had a full day planned with the possibility of me making a school contact alone. My field supervisor, Stephanie and I were having our usual morning chat when we were approached by foster care worker, Ms. Williams. She wanted me to supervise some parenting time, so she could attend court. I had supervised parenting time before and I will admit it is not the most exciting thing to do. Parenting time can last up to 4 hours requiring you to sit at the room door and monitor the parent’s interactions with their children. Although it can be quite daunting, I do however understand the importance of this family time. I was immediately put on the spot and I really wanted to say no to supervising this time for her. I also did not want to be uncooperative or not a team player in the presence of my field supervisor. Field Instructors Response Stephanie picked up that I really did not want to do it because she knows how much I enjoy going out in the field. She asked me to do her this favor and help Ms. Williams out and I did. Stephanie asked me how the supervising time went and thanked me for helping out in a time of need. I expressed to her that I was proud of myself for taking responsibility for the entire visit and managing some quite difficult parents without incidence. Performance My desire to get hired at the Children’s Protective Services is making me overly anxious soShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of The Field Supervisor s Role896 Words  | 4 Pagessupervision in social work as â€Å"the process of overseeing, directing, coordinating, enhancing, and evaluating the on-the-job performance of workers for whom the supervisor is responsible.†The field supervisor’s role is to guide and assist the student as they learn to implement the theory and skills learned through their academic studies. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Case Study Industry Analysis - 1775 Words
Taylor Keen MGMT489.W1 Professor Tuttle Movie Industry Analysis March 10th, 2015 Executive Summary History Keen Entertainment has been in business for nearly 40 years. Headquartered in Michigan and with theaters in nearly 40 states, Keen Entertainment is a top theater chain in the United States. Initially a Midwest chain, Keen Entertainment saw tremendous growth and has continued to expand throughout the country ever since. With nearly 4,700 screens, Keen Entertainment has great market share and has a loyal customer base. Competition and Market Currently in the United States there are around 39,000 movie screens and the movie theater industry is a $15B industry. Competition in the industry ranges from huge international brands all the way down to small locally owned theaters. The four largest movie theater brands are: Regal Cinemas, AMC Cinemas, CineMark, and Carmike Cinemas. Regal Entertainment Group has the largest market-share and has around 7,500 screens. AMC comes in with around 5,000 screens, CineMark with about 4,500, and Carmike with about 2,500. Problem In recent years, our company as well as our competitors have seen changes in the movie theater industry. While revenues have increased, ticket sales have been declining which has led to research and analysis. In addition, the demographic makeup of moviegoers is seeing changes†¦opening up opportunities and room for expansion. The traditional movie theater has seen competition arise from alternatives.Show MoreRelatedMcdonalds and the Hotel Industry Case Study Analysis Essay1083 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"world’s best quick service restaurant service experience†(Vandenbosch and Mark). This case study states that McDonalds plans to extend its brand into the hotel industry by opening a hotel in Illinois. The authors look at the hotel venture’s positioning options and the McDonald’s brand extension into a different product class. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Representation of Women in Action Movies free essay sample
If a man can fight, he’s a hero. If a woman can fight, she’s a b**ch! Representation of women in action films The film industry never seems to lack action films and there always plenty for the market to choose from however how many of those have women in a leading role? A handful. There aren’t that many films that feature women in lead roles within action films. But the question is why? Why haven’t a majority of these women been given a chance? Are actresses like Uma Thurman and Angelina Jolie one-woman-wonders or have they just been given a lucky break? I’ll be exploring the representation of women in action films through a semiotic analysis. David Gauntlett argues that â€Å"in contemporary society, gender roles are more complex and the media reflects this. The female roles today are often glamorous as well as successful in a way that they were previously not. Much of this is due to the rise of ‘girl power’ in the media, through identities constructed by music artists and contemporary actresses, for example, who are demanding less passive roles†which explains how films like Charlie’s Angels have made it to the forefront. Unfortunately, women have repeatedly suffered from a narrow set of representations in the media. They are regularly linked to the domestic situation i. e. housewives, or as sexual objects represented to entertain men. Furthermore, â€Å"the number of roles for leading women is far below that of men. †Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle is the film I’ve chosen explore and there several reasons behind this. I’ve chosen this text because it portrays women within dominant roles. Furthermore, the concept behind it breaks the pre-existing norm of women being the sexual object that entertains the male hero/spy. This isn’t the case in this film, they’re heroes fighting crime and saving the day. Not only are they stunning and beautiful but they also possess skills that crush and challenge existing stereotypes about women which is exactly why I chose this film. Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle is an action comedy film that was released on the 27 June 2003. The film was directed by McG and produced on a budget of $120 million. It was the sequel to the 2000’s Charlie’s Angels and it was number one at the box office for its opening weekend and produced a worldwide gross of $259. 2 million. The film was a success. It stars an ensemble cast including Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu. It also features notable actors and actresses such as Demi Moore, Shia LaBeouf and Matt LeBlanc. Diaz, Barrymore and Liu or the â€Å"Angels†, are three extremely talented, strong, sexy women who work as private investigators for unseen millionaire named Charlie. Prior to this film, they had starred in more passive roles in the romantic comedy genre. In most action films, men were more likely to be adventurous, active and vicarious, whereas women were more frequently shown as weak, ineffectual, victimised, supportive, laughable or merely token females†(Gunter, 1995). A film such as this allowed their fans to view them in a more dominant, powerful light. This immediately challenges the pre-existing stereotype of women because they are illustrated as superior to their male counterpart. The angels are independent women who aren’t tied down or held back by men. On-the-other-hand, the fact that they work for a male, wealthy character who controls their every move is ironic because in reality, many women are in similar situations and living in a patriarchal society. The opening scene of the film is a brilliant example of the female representation shown throughout the plot. It’s set in a filthy, hostile bar in the Himalayas in Mongolia. The bar is packed with lots of men drinking and jeering. The use of an establishing long shot works well to familiarise the audience with the initial setting and atmosphere. I believe the director did this in order to show the contrast between all of the men and the Angels. A dolly shot is used to track two men carrying a box so the audience become intrigued to learn the contents as they descend into the basement. To the surprise of the audience, Alex Munday (Lucy Liu) was inside the box; contortioned and tucked away. A high angle shot is used and the camera tilts in order to display the actresses’ flexibility. As she rises out of the box the camera zooms into a close up of Liu as she does a symbolic swipe of her long, dark hair; an iconic move for any female superpower. She’s dressed in a black leather ensemble which connotes mystery and obscurity. Perhaps out of the three angels, Liu is the dark horse. As she stands against the wall, a medium shot is used cleverly because not only can we see Liu against the wall but we can also see the hostage and his capturers in the room behind the actress. The connotation is accurate as she then saves the hostage by taking out the guards with some impressive combat. Her character is almost portrayed to be a female equivalent to Jet Li; she appears to be unstoppable and fierce. As she drags the hostage up the stairs, the lighting changes dramatically. The basement was very dark and low-key lighting was used which made the action stealthy and hostile. Whereas, the lighting used in the bar is high-key; very bright and there are few shadows. This is symbolic because it’s as if Alex has taken the hostage from hell (dark, unpleasant) and to heaven (bright, hope) which is essentially the purpose of an angel both contexts. Meanwhile upstairs, the atmosphere is volatile as a new character emerges dressed in a red, sleek kimono. Her costume connotes love, passion and warmth however in this scenario it connotes danger, sin and aggression. This is the 2nd angel; Dylan Saunders. The camera tilts over her shoulder and shows the male opponent smirking at her and then it pans around the table to eventually show her face. As she throws back a shot of alcohol, she comes across as the bad angel, the bad girl of the trio. The use of red with Dylan in this scene is symbolic because it displays a wide contrast between her and Alex. She’s more masculine in her body language but the director has tried to mask this behind the sexy outfit and red lipstick. As she walks away she clasps one of the guards by the waist, grabs his keys and tucks them away subtly. The focus then turns to the doors of the bar and the audience anticipates the worst. As the doors fling open, a medium shot shows a tanned, petite and blonde angelic woman. This is the third and final angel, Natalie Cook. She’s dressed in a white, fluffy coat and a revealing white mini skirt. This connotes purity, happiness and honesty which would be fitting for a normal angel. However, Natalie is no ordinary angel. As she stands at the door, she looks lost and dazed and a close-up of her face supports this further. As the men stare at her beauty in awe, she jeers at them and they erupt with excitement. The men are so amazed they form a guard of honour for Natalie as she walks over to the mechanical bull. Whereas, when Dylan wanted to move through the men they simply didn’t move and didn’t even know she was there. The use of white dumbs the men and amplifies Natalie’s angelic nature. Furthermore, her body language also plays a part in stunning the men. She giggles excessively and winks at a few of the men. Also, Diaz flicks her pigtails every two seconds and is also chewing gum. She hardly challenges the existing stereotype of blonde women but adds fuel to the fire. This is supported further by the fact that her skirt is so short, the audience can see clearly underneath it. Perhaps Natalie is the ‘bimbo’ of the group. The director has clearly added to the stereotype of blonde’s being stupid through Natalie’s character however this could be challenged throughout the plot. I believe this opening scene and in fact the entire plot supports Mulvey’s Male Gaze theory. It states that â€Å"media texts are created through the eyes of a heterosexual male and that women are viewed for the pleasure of men. †(Smith, 2009) She also claimed that â€Å"women are turned into sex objects through how they are shot in the media (Cinematography). (Smith, 2009) Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle demonstrates this. The plot should challenge the norm and allow women to break free however the body language and costumes used throughout diverges the male audience from the plot and to the women being sexualised. In a review by the BBC, Nev Pierce argued â€Å"some call it girl power, others demeaning. †Furthermore, â€Å"Whe n female protagonists, for example, have to function as law enforcers and confront criminal behaviour – both associated with male authority and action – gendered conflict inevitably follows. †(Hall, 1997, p. 364) However, this film could mislead women into thinking they have to become successful and independent by wearing tight, revealing clothes and caking up their faces with make-up but of course this isn’t true. â€Å"It really makes me more and more angry. The aim is to rake in money, loads of money and people try to do that by all means of all these things – sex, beautiful people, wealth and you always have people who fall for it. †(Ang, 1997, p. 347) This opening scene shows three very different women with different talents however what they all have in common is their characters have been onstructed to appeal to different types of men but collectively appeal to all men. Although this action film had 3 women in lead roles, it failed to truly challenge the existing stereotypes of women having to be objects and requiring sex appeal to become successful. In reality, â€Å"a woman cannot be herself in the society of the present day, which is an exclusively masculine s ociety, with laws framed by men and with a judicial system that judges feminine conduct from a masculine point of view. †References Websites Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle blog (non-official) http://c-angels. blogspot. co. uk/ Pierce, Nev. (2003). BBC film review. http://www. bbc. co. uk/films/2003/06/27/charlies_angels_full_throttle_2003_review. shtml Smith, Mr (2009). Representation Theory http://www. slideshare. net/fleckneymike/representation-theory-2458490 Smcmediastudies, (2011). The Representation of Women in the Media http://www. slideshare. net/smcmediastudies/the-representation-of-women-in-the-media Books Ang, Ien. (2006). Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices, in association with Sage. Ang, I. (1985) Watching Dallas: soap opera and the melodramatic imagination, New York, Methuen. Ibsen, Henrik (1917). Ibsen’s Workshop.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Team Management free essay sample
A study of the strategy of team management in business. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and discuss the topic of team management. It studies the goals of team management and evaluates its effectiveness and productiveness in general. It concludes with predictions for the future of team management. Team management has been studied for several decades, and is a popular form of management because it includes everyone on the team in management and production. Often, team management is used by companies that are experiencing rapid growth or expansion. Under team management, the single, ultimately responsible head of the organization sometimes becomes two or three people who divide the job up or do it jointly. More commonly under team management; the head of the organization can still be identified but has one or two close associates whose authority is nearly equal to his own. The reason for team management in rapidly expanding organizations is that there are at least three separate managerial jobs to be done: running the existing operation, supervising the expansion, and coping with the unpredictable problems that expansion creates (Caplow 180). We will write a custom essay sample on Team Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
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